Wednesday, November 21, 2012

death notebook ^_^

since you all know that i am OBSESSED with death note, i went ahead of myself and made my own.
this notebook was first painted with black paint, then carefully painted with white paint for the letters. Then, because the paint looked dry, i glazed it with triple-thick. it is on a regular composition notebook, and it was super easy too make. To bad it doesnt work. the picture i took was taken with my computer, so it doesnt pick up all the details and its kinda crappy. But i hope you like it anyway! You can ask me if you want one :3


  1. =^.^= i made a death note necklace, that i won't take a picture of since i would have to use my mom's phone....
    the notebook's nice. u gonna use it?
    79 pageveiws already....

    1. it doesnt work... :(
      i wanted to kill some people!! WAAAHHHHHHHH!
